Thursday, February 08, 2007

Roy Wood - "Dear Elaine"

Known in the UK as leader of the Move and Wizzard (and founder of ELO), Wood is largely unknown in the USA. The song is from Roy's 1973 Boulders solo LP on which he plays all the instruments and supplies all the vocals. I don't know if there's actual lute on the recording, and I doubt if it was recorded in his back garden, but it's a gently surreal promo film for a pleasant tune.

Two blog posts in one day, yow. Little to no content, of course, but that's our pledge to you, the blog consumer!
Winter Scene

This was actually early December, before the Winter Solstice, but you know what I mean.

Currently there is a little less snow and it's much colder, but the photo turned out okay, so here it is.